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Your child needs to hear thousands of new words and sounds before they learn to read.

You probably naturally talk to your baby about the events of the day. Keep doing it, and do it more! The more words they hear from you, the better prepared they will be to learn. Check out new books at the library, read together before bed each night, sing silly songs in the car, and attend a storytime. Every moment is a learning moment for your child.

When you talk, read, and sing with your child, you’re strengthening your bond and helping them learn. Research shows that talking, reading, and singing with your child every day from birth builds their brain as well as important language, math, reading and social-emotional skills.

You can guide your child’s learning and keep track of their progress by using the Reach Out and Read (ROR) Milestones available at the Library or at By using the milestone chart, you will
understand your child’s language development, make sure they are on track, and find activities to promote learning.  

If you have any questions about early literacy or how to connect with other community resources, talk to the Early Childhood Literacy Specialist at your Hub or call to connect over the phone.


Visit our Community Hub page to find your Hub or visit




Who Can I Talk To?

Title 'Why is reading to my child important?'
Cartoon bears reading
School Bus
Title: Hub Activities
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For Babies:
Mother Goose on the
Loose Storytime

For Toddlers:
2’s and 3’s on the Go

For 3 to 5 Year Olds:
Early Literacy Storytime

For 0 to 5 Year Olds:
Raising Readers, offered at school Hubs during Fall and Spring.

Storytime kits for parents and child care providers available for check-out.

To learn more and find schedules of Hub activities, visit the Community Hubs page.

Check the
Library calendar 
to see what’s happening at
your local library.

Literacy FAQ

Reading to your

child each day, from

the moment they are born,

is one of the best ways to build

their brain and start a lifelong love of reading. Through our Community Hubs, we have Early Childhood Literacy Specialist available to answer questions and guide parents to tools and resources to help them as their child’s first teacher. Here

are some common questions

parents may have about

early literacy:

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